Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Johann George Rapp & Charles Grandison Finney

Johann George Rapp

George Rapp is recognized as a German- American that fled to the U.S to escape from religious persecution. He founded the sect of the Harmonists that formed communes in the United States and promoted Equality.

Document: A book published by Rapp titled Thoughts on the Destiny of Man

A: Johann George Rapp, (1757- 1847)

P: Harmony Society in Indiana 1824/1825

P:  In relation with the Second Great Awakening

A: The Harmonists, philosophers and politicians

R: Stating the importance of obtaining faith and confidence in order to be a proper disciple of God and that individuals need to make good use of the gifts that God gives in other to be devoted to the Christian faith.

T: The Christian religion is the answer when our mind and bodies are acting against morality and to restore the lost dignity of men.

S: Harmony will restore the rights of a society; men will learn to think in a spiritual manner as well as with love in order to become righteous people and as saviors of humanity in the same way as Jesus did.

Charles Grandison Finney

Charles Grandison Finney was a leader in the Second Great Awakening and is recognized as the father of the Modern Revivalism. He fought for a social reform for women, African Americans and religion.

What a Revival of Religion is.

A: Charles Grandison Finney

P: Rochester, New York 1801

P: Finney was one of the most successful revivalists of the Second Great Awakening

A: People that call themselves Christian, sinners

R: Charles Finney wanted to start a revival movement in which people realized their sinful ways and have a new moral focus through the church. It was a process of conversion that involved an emphasis on emotional responses.

T: Every person is sinful and needs to cleanse themselves from sin in order to be able to revive their spirit. Repentance is the only way to start a new beginning.

S: The reformation and salvation of sinners will change these people and the rest of the society; therefore, bringing a government of peace as well as just. Finney argues that if people learn to love God and put God in to their lives, then "the worst part of society [will] be softened and reclaimed."


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cochise, Chiricahua Apache Leader/ Stephen W Kearny

               Chief Cochise, recognized as one of the greatest leaders of the Apache Indians. hated the intrusions of Mexicans and Americans during the mid 19th century.The lands of the Apache Indians extended from Southern Arizona to Northern Mexico. Cochise led many raids against both groups north and south of the border. In one incident, a band of Apache Indians raided the ranch of John Ward and kidnapped his son. John Ward believed that Cochise was the head of the kidnapping and attacks; therefore, he demanded for Cochise to be captured under the command of George Bascom. The Apaches were tricked by Basacom to have a night of entertainment and they were imprisoned. Cochise had managed to escape and set up a new band of raids on American settlers. In 1872, the U.S demanded peace and offered a reservation in southern Arizona. Cochise died two years later due to stomach cancer and his body remains in a rocky crevice known as Cochise's Stronghold.

Colonel Stephen W. Kearny was born in 1794 and served during the War of 1812. He was the commander of the army in the west during the Mexican American War.

War broke out between the United States and Mexico and he was ordered to recruit an army and head down the Santa Fe Trail in order to seize New Mexico. Despite the protest of Texas officials, Kearny established a territorial government in province. He led the army to Rio Grande and then to California. Kearny arrived in Los Angeles after a revolt broke out against U.S control. He was wounded at the Mexican victory of San Pascual but he managed to restore U.S control. Stephen W. Kearny can best be seen as the conqueror of California even though John C. Freemont and Robert F. Stockton had been there before and claimed the land.

The Chesapeake Leopard Incident!

              The Chesapeake did make the right choice in refusing to surrender the men on their ship. Even though the ship suffered an attack, the captain of the Chesapeake was wise to defend the integrity of the sailors because they were seeking freedom and relief from the difficulties of the Leopard. I do believe it would have been different if the ships were farther away from sea and not under the influence of the British. The British did not want to let the Chesapeake do as they please because it would be a defiance of of their power and it would let other ships know that the British are not strong enough to defend their seas. Closer to shore, would have gotten either the Americans or the British involved in order to defend their nation and it would have resulted in a greater attack or even a war.

              This incident should not lead America to go to war; there is no cause to defend like the War for Independence. However, it is necessary to once again prove to Britain that America is no longer under its control. In the case that the military was more prepared, more economically stable, and that the British were kidnapping soldiers on a daily basis, then America has a good reason to set an attack against the British. With the essential resources to win a war and the injustices by the British, it would not be a bad idea to wage in war. The British want to keep exercising their power over the Americas even after gaining their independence. It would not make the difference for the British to have forts on the Mississippi River. The British do not have a right to demand for the sailors that left to the American navy because it was their own free will and the British could not hold those men by force. The Americas should not have been held responsible for the fugitives because the captain was only giving them shelter and a safe haven. It is not worth a war unless there was a constant harassment by the British ships. The just thing to do would be for the British and the Americas to make a Treaty or contract that would set the rules straight at sea once and for all.