Friday, April 25, 2014

Military Leader and President: Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961)

Dwight Eisenhower was a unique man- in all his lifetime as a boy he wanted to be a soldier and a war hero, therefore, he graduated from the U.S Military Academy at West Point. He moved on to be top rank soldier during World War II. During this time, he helped develop the D-Day invasion that would end Hitler's regime. Eisenhower went on to become the president of Columbia University from 1948 to 1950. Afterwards, NATO wanted Eisenhower to become their supreme commander. In 1952, he was asked to run as a Republican candidate for presidency. 

During his time as presidency, the Brown v. Board of Education was going on, which was the issue on civil rights issues and argued the desegregation of schools. Even after changes were to be instituted and enforced, Governor Faubus wanted to keep African Americans out of schools, but Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division to ensure that African Americans were safe when getting to school and in class. The Doctrine of Massive Retaliation expanded the defense budget and stated that money would be invested into bombers to carry nuclear warheads and there would be massive bombing against any communist country that stepped out of line. During the Arms Race, the Soviet Union made more and more weapons and portions of money in each country were going towards defense spending. 

In 1955, the Eisenhower Doctrine was a promise to support any country financially against communism with the use of military if it were necessary. In 1956, Hungarians rose against communist government and they asked the United States for aid but they refused and in this Massive Retaliation would not work because high altitude bombers could not help revolutionaries take over their own country. Eisenhower got the U.S involved in Vietnam in 1954. Vietnam did not want to be ruled by France so they defeated them at the Battle of Dienbienphu. During Eisenhower's presidency the Space Race began when the Sputnik I became the first Russian space satellite to go around the world and there was a fear that Russia would place nuclear weapons in space. 

Lastly, in Eisenhower's Farewell Address of 1960, he warns that America's economy would rely heavily on nuclear weapons and continue to kill.