Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blog Post #6B :)

Is this ship still the ship of Theseus?

I do not believe that this is the ship of Theseus anymore because the same material that was on his boat is not the same. It is not the same boat that he himself constructed. It has been renovated and changed. If I leave Boyle Heights and return twenty years later to see that everything is very clean and the trees are sparkly and glittery, it's called Boyle Heights but it's not Boyle Heights. It's not the one I knew. The same thing with the boat, if Theseus came back to see the boat and saw that the wood and everything else was replaced, he's going to wonder what happened to his boat. If it was his boat his hard work would be shown the exact same way he left it. No one would change Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy's speeches just so it sounds better or the English Language has changed since then, or put a parenthesis next to their words to say what they meant. No! Original is original and that is why original can't be changed. No one wants their creations changed if it's not the way they made it or remembered it. That is why the boat is called Theseus' boat because he made it with his own hands and left it the way they did. No one should have messed with the boat even if they thought it was for the greater good of the boat. Even a small modification results in a tragic change and it's just not the way it used to be. There are old artifacts rotting in museums but they haven't been recreated into something else, why, because it wouldn't be the same. The original work of someone is what is most important.

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