Friday, August 23, 2013

Virginia --> The Virginia Company

               The Virginia Company was founded by English stock companies and it was a combination of the Plymouth and London companies. The Virginia company was chartered by King James I on April 10, 1606. Even though, the royal crown of England owned the Virginia Company, the settlers in New World were able to govern themselves. In order to finance the voyages to settle in the New World, the English encouraged individuals to purchase shares of stocks in the New World. This would help in the expenses of overseas settlement. Money would also contribute to the purchase of ships and supplies as well as to recruit laborers.
               Merchants hoped that new industries would be developed and King James I wanted Protestant Catholicism to be the established religion in the colonies. There were also hopes that the New World would become a trade market for English goods and the finding of the Northwest Passage. However, the Virginia Company encountered an early problem: not every person wanted to buy stock in the Americas. The only way for the English to make money was from running lotteries.

               The London Company settled Jamestown by John Smith and Sir Thomas Gates was the governor of the Virginia Colony. It was established on May 14,1607. John Smith made alliances with the Powhattan tribe until both waged in war. On the other hand, the Plymouth Company established their settlements in Chesapeake Bay. Before the Pilgrim settlement in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the Plymouth Company established the Potham Colony in what is now present day Maine. The Pilgrims arrived one year later and formed Plymouth Colony in which they engaged with the Patuxet, Wampanoag, Mohagan and Nipmuck tribes.


  1. The settlers that went to Virginia made alliances with the Indians and then would engage in wars, in my opinion that is morally wrong because the settlers were just using the Indians for information, then once they didn't need them anymore the settlers would slaughter them and that the land.

  2. You stated that the English encouraged the people to purchase stocks, did everyone have to or was it voluntary?

    1. It was voluntary to buy stocks due to the need for money, however, the investors noticed that not every person was buying stocks so they had to find an alternate solution.

  3. So this was the unison of colonies merging together?

    1. Indeed, but it was more specifically the establishment of two different companies, that eventually become the first colonies

  4. Why were they able to govern themselves if owned by the King?

    1. The king gave a grant for self governing of the colony; companies were always empowered by the king to govern themselves.

  5. Was Protestant Catholicism practiced after all?

  6. What types of markets where the merchants looking for and did they find them?

  7. What types of markets where the merchants looking for and did they find them?

  8. What exactly was "running a lottery"?

    1. A running lottery meant that investors would travel from town to town making lotteries in the same way as today and that purchasers could immediately draw instead of waiting for a final draw.The investors would sell tickets to players for an opportunity to win 5,000 euros.

  9. Yes i would like to know, too what is "running the lottery"

  10. Jamestown differs from other colonies because King James I intended it to be predominately Protestant Catholic.

  11. Any important events? Please respond to all the questions posted by your classmates.
