Monday, February 24, 2014

African Americans after Reconstruction


         The end of the Civil War marked the ending of two nations to join into one as well as the beginning of the emancipation for African Americans. The Reconstruction, was a time of "liberation" but instead African Americans found themselves without suffrage, working for former slave masters and having to follow black codes. Even after the Reconstruction ended in 1877, there was a large population of poor black farmers in the South. Not only that, but a new wave of violence broke out from the newly formed society of the Klu Klux Klan made up of former Confederate soldiers that would cause massive terror and lynching  especially against black young men. African Americans that were put on trial, even if proven non guilty, would be persecuted by the KKK. It wasn't until 1882 that the KKK act was considered unconstitutional.

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