Monday, December 5, 2011


I do think that technology has made an advancement in education and it has made itself into the alternative substitute teacher. I think the quote is partially true because even though there are more available resources online, teachers are the best at explaining things and making sure you understand what you are learning. I think the roles of technology in the class is to be able to access resources quicker and look up information that maybe teachers can't be able to provide for a student. Computers should be used also to type out reports and essays. I think that the idea of technology will now and forever forward exist in every aspect of school. Teachers and college professors can't help the fact that the 21st century's knowledge and advancements are spreading, so the only thing left to do is to enforce that idea and live with it. I think the only problem that America would be up against is how much will our world change? Will we reach a point in time in which teachers will no longer be necessary?

Friday, November 25, 2011


I do not believe that electronic media is better than paper media because either way people are still going to be lied to. Dealing with electronic media is more of a hazzle to deal with than paper media and it is less traditional. When you are trying to read a news article online you encounter unnecessary ads and links to other places that  you don't want to go. Besides, drinking a cup of coffee and eating doughnuts is better when reading the newspaper. Imagine reading the news online on the internet at 7 a.m that would just be weird. Besides that in a magazine or newspaper everything is specific and in one place not like the internet that has a lot of hyperlinks and disorganized. There are so many different buttons and you don't even know what they are.
I think that one day electronics will come to replace almost everything and this will happen when I will most likely be dead which will be around the year 2080. The only thing it wont replace is our digestive system's "exports" unless electronic cables will be in our bodies by that time that will exterminate everything but we would die because our body wouldn't be doing it's job. It also can't replace my  bed. I wouldn't want to sleep in a cyber bed. I believe that Sit'n Sleep should be for life. Scientists and engineers are actually crazy to think that the world should keep advancing. Yes it should advance in the way to be able to find cures for cancer or diabetes but not to have higher rates of laziness. "Oh, no you don't have to go to the toilet anymore because the toilet now comes to you," oh bite me! All of these unnecessary advances just put the world to waste.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Television is probably the number one place where people will lie to you the most. They will lie to you more than a cheating husband or your own mother.Television and the rest of the media will hide information from the rest of the world, veer the viewer into thinking something completely different and leading them into a frantic state of mind which leads to paranoia or another type of phobia. When they mention all of the amazing inventions that we are supposed to think will exist in the future I can't help but to think, "Wow, I can't believe I am actually eating this up." People in the media, even the smartest people have no clue what they are saying. Ok well on one of the articles or whatever you want to call it, I guess it's true people have their own fifteen minutes of fame and their own blogs.They mention it because it already happened. Television didn't say people have started this trend of making blogs or having their own fifteen minutes of fame. You just make your own assumptions and own discoveries.

What will people do in the next five years with the internet? They'll do what they still haven't done yet with the internet which is escalate their addictions! People will be trying to find new ways to hack into websites that are supposedly safe and spending more hours on Facebook,(if it still exists then) and probably people wont even have computers because they believed on the whole end of the world thing for 2012 and threw them away. Anyone is going to be looking for chances to make money if it is true that the whole world has accomplished to have a blog and have their fifteen minutes of fame and everything else that's relevant to that. I honestly believe that the internet madness can't go more profound than it already has, unless Safari or Internet Explorer magically dissapear because crazy people did something to it or what not. Right now we just love the internet and five years later will tatoo it to our foreheads and make it our source of energy.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Sincerely, I don't believe that you should be a different person online unless an undercover detective is trying to find a sexual predator. Only if there's an important matter that has to require a person to have a different identity online, then it's okay. I don't think that anyone should have a different personality online even though it can be fun to fool people that you are a different "persona." Not acting like yourself is just showing dishonesty to yourself and other people. The way we interact with people online and offline just depends on how we act and how old we are. If a teenager or a younger kid acts like a fool or childish online then it's understandable if that teen or kid acts the same offline while interacting with others. I am not defending the fact that it's right but I am just stating that there's really nothing to do for that matter. However, when it comes down to adults the way they might act online is important. Employers can google names, or look up information on social networking sites and anything that might be negative to them can get them fired. If an adult acts out strangely online it should not transfer into their work because that's how people make a living. When we are online of course we are responsible for our own actions and what we post online. We need to be careful what comes out online because anyone can see our information even if we had a million of security systems. We are responsible for the opinions we express about our own issues or about others. Anything that we on purposely do online is our own responsibility.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Honestly, I think that these kids that post stuff on their Facebook or other type of social network don't think about what they post online. It is like they go into this crazy weird mode and don't realize where their pictures, videos and information will end up. Just like it was easy to upload a picture or a video it is just as easy for a sexual predator to find you or take pictures for themselves. A lot of these teens need to get a life. To say that they will become desperate if they don't have a computer or a phone is ridiculous. Seriously, is their life so boring that this is their only resort. I understand the kids that make almost like a video journal to share their opinions on certain things or emotions. Certain topics would be okay to post if you want a range of opinions but on the other hand sharing too personal things can be dangerous or something that no one else has to know about. I can relate to some of the characters when they mention that on social networking sites they can be really creative and show their personality and just make that page your own. What I don't agree with however is the fact that to some students their entire world revolves around Facebook or MySpace or whatever else is out there. I also understand that a lot of these teens do what they do because other people push them to their breaking point that they don't know what else to do but turn into a different person or take away their own lives.


I've had bad online experiences for the reason that sometimes I'm looking up something either having to do with homework or anything else and irrelevant sources always happen to pop up. It is so frustrating because no matter how many times I may rewrite my search topic it never comes close to what I am looking for. If I do find what I am looking for sometimes the websites wont have credible information well I don't know if it's credible or not so might as well not read further in that website. It sucks when you click on a website and a ton of viruses invade your computer. On the positive side, the Internet helps me what is going on in the world in seconds and being more knowledgeable on everything around is. So the Internet can sometimes work in our favor. Without really going anywhere I can learn how to make chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, a kite and a mini spaceship. The Internet gives me millions of sources for anything I want to look for in seconds even though it may not be what I am looking for. It has shaped my life in the way that I can accidentally run into a random story about someone in the world on how they struggle with cancer or on the edge of death. I can randomly see a picture that shows homes being destroyed due to a hurricane or an earthquake. It makes me motivated to want to help and do something about it or give myself a self reflection.