Friday, November 25, 2011


I do not believe that electronic media is better than paper media because either way people are still going to be lied to. Dealing with electronic media is more of a hazzle to deal with than paper media and it is less traditional. When you are trying to read a news article online you encounter unnecessary ads and links to other places that  you don't want to go. Besides, drinking a cup of coffee and eating doughnuts is better when reading the newspaper. Imagine reading the news online on the internet at 7 a.m that would just be weird. Besides that in a magazine or newspaper everything is specific and in one place not like the internet that has a lot of hyperlinks and disorganized. There are so many different buttons and you don't even know what they are.
I think that one day electronics will come to replace almost everything and this will happen when I will most likely be dead which will be around the year 2080. The only thing it wont replace is our digestive system's "exports" unless electronic cables will be in our bodies by that time that will exterminate everything but we would die because our body wouldn't be doing it's job. It also can't replace my  bed. I wouldn't want to sleep in a cyber bed. I believe that Sit'n Sleep should be for life. Scientists and engineers are actually crazy to think that the world should keep advancing. Yes it should advance in the way to be able to find cures for cancer or diabetes but not to have higher rates of laziness. "Oh, no you don't have to go to the toilet anymore because the toilet now comes to you," oh bite me! All of these unnecessary advances just put the world to waste.

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