Thursday, November 10, 2011


Sincerely, I don't believe that you should be a different person online unless an undercover detective is trying to find a sexual predator. Only if there's an important matter that has to require a person to have a different identity online, then it's okay. I don't think that anyone should have a different personality online even though it can be fun to fool people that you are a different "persona." Not acting like yourself is just showing dishonesty to yourself and other people. The way we interact with people online and offline just depends on how we act and how old we are. If a teenager or a younger kid acts like a fool or childish online then it's understandable if that teen or kid acts the same offline while interacting with others. I am not defending the fact that it's right but I am just stating that there's really nothing to do for that matter. However, when it comes down to adults the way they might act online is important. Employers can google names, or look up information on social networking sites and anything that might be negative to them can get them fired. If an adult acts out strangely online it should not transfer into their work because that's how people make a living. When we are online of course we are responsible for our own actions and what we post online. We need to be careful what comes out online because anyone can see our information even if we had a million of security systems. We are responsible for the opinions we express about our own issues or about others. Anything that we on purposely do online is our own responsibility.

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