Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I've had bad online experiences for the reason that sometimes I'm looking up something either having to do with homework or anything else and irrelevant sources always happen to pop up. It is so frustrating because no matter how many times I may rewrite my search topic it never comes close to what I am looking for. If I do find what I am looking for sometimes the websites wont have credible information well I don't know if it's credible or not so might as well not read further in that website. It sucks when you click on a website and a ton of viruses invade your computer. On the positive side, the Internet helps me what is going on in the world in seconds and being more knowledgeable on everything around is. So the Internet can sometimes work in our favor. Without really going anywhere I can learn how to make chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, a kite and a mini spaceship. The Internet gives me millions of sources for anything I want to look for in seconds even though it may not be what I am looking for. It has shaped my life in the way that I can accidentally run into a random story about someone in the world on how they struggle with cancer or on the edge of death. I can randomly see a picture that shows homes being destroyed due to a hurricane or an earthquake. It makes me motivated to want to help and do something about it or give myself a self reflection.

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