Friday, April 13, 2012

Blog Post 7B

I think that students can't finish their homework that lasts 20 minutes because people rather spent hours doing nothing than do homework that is boring. Students woould rather relax their brain and not stress out about their homework until one day before it's due. It makes sense because even I would rather sleep than do homework because sometimes the homework I get is hard and I want nothing to do with it until later especially if it's spring break.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blog Post #6B :)

Is this ship still the ship of Theseus?

I do not believe that this is the ship of Theseus anymore because the same material that was on his boat is not the same. It is not the same boat that he himself constructed. It has been renovated and changed. If I leave Boyle Heights and return twenty years later to see that everything is very clean and the trees are sparkly and glittery, it's called Boyle Heights but it's not Boyle Heights. It's not the one I knew. The same thing with the boat, if Theseus came back to see the boat and saw that the wood and everything else was replaced, he's going to wonder what happened to his boat. If it was his boat his hard work would be shown the exact same way he left it. No one would change Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy's speeches just so it sounds better or the English Language has changed since then, or put a parenthesis next to their words to say what they meant. No! Original is original and that is why original can't be changed. No one wants their creations changed if it's not the way they made it or remembered it. That is why the boat is called Theseus' boat because he made it with his own hands and left it the way they did. No one should have messed with the boat even if they thought it was for the greater good of the boat. Even a small modification results in a tragic change and it's just not the way it used to be. There are old artifacts rotting in museums but they haven't been recreated into something else, why, because it wouldn't be the same. The original work of someone is what is most important.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog Post #5B :)

Who: Paul Conroy, a British Sunday Times photographer
What: He was rescued by Syrians and taken to safety
When: At the beginning of February 2012
Where: From the city of Homs to Lebanon
Why: The people behind the attacks were causing an uprising towards the President's rule; government opponents were leading rebellious attacks

Friday, February 24, 2012

Yan is out sick again

It was dark an gloomy. A perfect day for a mass murder. No one would have suspected that their lives would en suddenly. As Mark stared at himsel in the mirror he wondered on how many newspapers his fac would be on and how many different people would remember it forever. He went over the plan in his head once, twice, ten times. It all made sense and he smiled as he thought abou blood splattered on the walls and the beautiful sound of screams piercing his ears.He felt in control, powerful. Adrenaline ran through his veins an he couldn't keep his excitement in any longer. The clock ticked behind him and every second was closer to what he was determined to do. As he pulled a 9 millimeter shotgun from underneath his bed he gently caressed it and admired it's beauty. He loved that feeling of the bullets lined up one behind the other, all with someone's name on it. It was a shame however that the beauiful gold bullets, would be engraved in a heart, a liver, a lung, or a brain. He tucked in the gun in his bag. Without it he was just a normal kid. No one would suspect a thing. After being satisfied with his accomplishments, he would only have to wait for the police to handcuff him and it wouldn't be too long before he'd be declared the most dangerous teen in the world.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I prefer personally going to a store and shopping for what I want. For me it's better to get off my lazy butt and exercise. I don't like using the online store because the website may say that the item is available but really it isn't or it's out of stock. Also, you have to pay using a credit card which is something I don't have. When you are shopping for clothes you don't know I it's going to fit you. At a store you can chose any item of clothing and see if it fits and check for any defects and pay in cash unlike the online stores. Where is the point of shopping online if your friends aren't there or check out the cute new cashier at Macy's. There is no fun and I guess I prefer shopping at stores because I like to leave my house once in a while. The advantages for online stores is that you can search for whatever you are looking for and find it in a matter of seconds instead of having to look for it from store to store. It also saves you time when you have to make a quick buy.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Anything you buy is never for you. You can't use it for resale or copy it because it is against the law. Even if you buy a sandwich and feed it to the ducks, you can't do it. We don't have rights over anything when you really ponder about it.The government can come and take it away from us. During school, our electronic devices or cell phones are confiscated but it belongs to the person who bought it right? So they are the only ones who have a right over it no one else. Saying you can't hack into a video game or copy DVD is very ridiculous because the buyer already spent their money on that item approximately thirty dollars if they want a Blu-ray DVD. Good for Warner Bros or whoever made the movie that convince someone to buy their film and waste their money on it, but now the DVD is their property and they can break it, throw it to the trash and oh yes copy it! It is like when someone doesn't pay their bills, their car and their house can be taken away, but they bought the house so what's up with that? Nothing is ever a buyer's to keep.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I think this semester is going to be different because Mr. Yan is going to be more strict and I think he will give us more homework. He is not going to be that nice anymore. It's going to get tougher to pass the class and the projects will become more complex. To improve, I will do my blog posts on time and pay attention in class! This semester is going to be really weird because we will be dealing with calculators. It's like we are digging underneath the surface to discove that a calculator is more than just punching in numbers. I am going to miss doing the HTML pages.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


The fact that people are using the internet as their memory bank is ridiculous in a way but smart at the same time. I think the study of people using the internet to help them remember things is probably because people using the internet everyday, so there must be a reason why they use it and it must be to hold information for them and being able to rely on that information. I am also part of the "Google Effect" because for homework I may be unfamiliar with a certain school subject so I need to look it up online for help. People don't always know everything so that is why they rely on the internet and sometimes the internet reveals more information than books due and it gives you many topics related to what you want to know. There will never be a solution to this "Google Effect" as people want to call it because like I mentioned no one knows everything and people are bothered by the fact to go to the library and get a book to find out. We always depend on the internet to know the things we don't know. But the reality is that the internet doesn't know all because someone had to post all of those articles and only 97 percent of the time you find what you are looking for and that is my approximate guess. Besides, I also doubt that people even memorize what they read on the internet because even then after they read it they will forget. The internet is only a source of reference when you need it and sometimes people don't bother to learn anything they read anywhere.


I think technology will affect me more this year than previous years of my life because companies always try to improve their products and it always continues to progressively happen. I will be more surrounded by advances in technology. When I was still very young iPods had not existed yet and all these fancy smart phones either. I think for school I will have to be more obligated to use technology to share opinions like in this case here and to work on assignments. Personally, I am not into technology but I like the way it works. It seems as the years gradually progress, a person is more and more obligated to use a computer or any other type of electronics. I will probably be obligated to buy a laptop or tablet to do homework if I am somewhere else in the world. There are now less and less excuses to not be able to do something because of course our world is advancing and everything seems to think for itself but be more intellectual than human beings. At this point in life, there are no excuses why you shouldn't have a type of computer or any of the sort.My life this year with technology is going to drive my life crazy! Everywhere I go there will be featured ads of new phones and computers and what not so it is like the world doesn't want to leave you at rest. We will be heading to an epidemic of laziness with all this technology.